Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Open Gardens

Sunday 10 June
 Great Chishill
Entrance £5 (children free)
Teas and Indian Snacks available
In aid of St Swithun’s Church

Sunday 24 June
Entrance £5 (children free)
Hot Dogs and Refreshments available
In aid of Holy Trinity Church

Children's Event

Are you the next Bear Grylls?

Join us for foraging, fire making and fun
Little Chishill Manor (SG8 8PA)
Sunday 10 June

From 3-5pm we will be den building, making camp fires, learning survival techniques, eating bugs (marshmallows actually!!)
and lots of other great outdoor activities.

Open to all from current year Reception upwards.
Admission is free but please book your place - contact the church office 837272 iwp.parishoffice@gmail.com or Helen Williams 01799 520398 homefarmcottage@aol.com

With thanks to Gill and Peter Lyster for their kind invitation to use their field