Weekly Bulletin


Sunday 23 February 2025

Second Sunday before Lent

9.00am Holy Communion at St Mary’s STRETHALL

11.00am Family Worship at St Nicholas ELMDON

 Readings: Psalm 65: 4-7

Luke 8: 22-25



 4.30pm Saturday Gathering: What do we hope for


 9.00am Holy Communion at St Nicholas LITTLE CHISHILL

With The Venerable Kate Peacock

 11.00am Café Church at CHRISHALL VILLAGE HALL


9.00am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity HEYDON

11.00am Family Worship with Holy Communion at St Swithun’s GREAT CHISHILL


Wednesday Prayers

This week the 9.00am Wednesday Prayers will take place at St Marys, STRETHALL

Parish Charity

Please help by nominating a charity to be our Parish Charity for 2025.

Fund raising, for a charity alongside our own parish, is one of the activities of our church. We are conscious that the parish is in constant need of funds; however, we seek to serve others as loving members of Christ’s family.

Since 2015 we have supported Macmillan, Open Doors, The Salvation Army (Saffron Walden Branch), Romsey Mill (towards the wonderful work they do with young people in Cambridgeshire), Chrishall Primary School, Pets As Therapy and, our current charity, Headway. This is not an exclusive arrangement. Other charities have also been supported over the years.

We have a robust process to determine future charity partners. All parishioners are invited to be involved in the process of nominating a charity.

There are a few criteria listed on the Proposal Form to help the nomination and selection process. Any suggestions should be made by the end of February using the Proposal Form available from the Church Office, (late nomination may be considered). The final selection will be announced at the APCM in April and commence from then.

Heydon Films

Third of four films for Winter

Friday 21 February – Nine Queens (2000):  a small time Buenos Aires con-man gets out of his depth.  A prize winner in Latin America and very popular in Argentina.   Spanish with English sub-titles, 1hr 54min

Entry: £5.00 for wine and cake – all proceeds to Heydon Church funds.  Location: Mission Hut, 14 Chishill Road, Heydon.  Time 7.30pm for 8.00pm; to book, call or e mail Rollo Barnes 01763838309;rb@rollobarnes.com.

Electoral Roll

 Please be aware that a new church electoral roll is being prepared. Notices will be displayed in all churches and electoral roll enrolment forms available from the church office or district electoral roll officers. Everyone wishing to be on the electoral roll must complete a new form

Lent Course 2025

From Wilderness to Glory

 Do please join us over desserts on Wednesday evenings, or morning tea on Thursday mornings this Lent for a transformative journey through the Gospels as we explore the life and impact of Jesus: the highs and lows of his earthly ministry, the power of his teaching and his victory over sin and death.

Tom Wright's daily readings and reflections From Wilderness to Glory will enable us to relive Christ's journey, from his temptations in the wilderness to the darkness of the cross and beyond into the glory of Easter.

 To enable as many people as possible to come and engage with and discuss these readings and reflections, we will be meeting each week on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm, repeated on Thursday MORNINGS at 9.30am, starting on 12th / 13th March, and meet for five consecutive weeks at the Rectory, 48 Heydon Road, Great Chishill SG8 8SR. 

 The course book "Lent And Easter For Everyone: From Wilderness to Glory" by Tom wright is available as a paperback or kindle / ebook at many booksellers, including Eden and Amazon.

 Please let James know if you intend to join for catering purposes:  iwp.parishrector@gmail.com / 07840 329279. I look forward to seeing you!


ADCM Dates

Little Chishill 28 Feb, 7pm, Little Chishill Manor
Elmdon 3 Mar, 7pm, St Nicholas
Heydon 18 Mar, 7pm, Holy Trinity
Strethall 23 Mar, 10.15am, St Mary’s
Hamlet 25 Mar, 7.30pm, Hamlet Church
Great Chishill 27 Mar, 7pm, St Swithun’s
Chrishall 1 Apr, 7pm, Holy Trinity


If you scan the QR code below it will take you directly to the Parish ‘just giving’ page.


Money for Nothing

(and your gifts for free)

With our current situation, many more of us will be shopping online. PLEASE remember that if you use ‘easyfundraising’ in your browser or as an app, then our parish can benefit. Over 4000 shops/sites donate a percentage of your purchase and can be donated to Icknield Way Parish – Essex. 

 Please continue to use or sign up for easyfundraising for all your online purchases to help our parish.

Signing up is easy – just go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk, choose your cause ‘Icknield Way Parish - Essex’ and click to support this charity. Create an account and then each time you buy something online you can choose to buy through easyfundraising and a donation from the seller will be made to our parish.

Straight donations can be made via the www.justgiving.co.uk website where there are pages to support each of our churches and also our Parish. The pages can be found at:

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