Thursday 23 February 2017

Lent Course

IWP Lent Course 2017

Over the years, the Parish of the Icknield Way Villages has held courses during Lent designed to help the church locally focus on its mission to be relevant in our community. Our parish has identified as one of its aims the need to reach out more effectively to our neighbours with the message of Christ’s love for all.
We will be holding 5 sessions, starting on Ash Wednesday, 1 March, starting at 7.30pm, in Chrishall Village Hall. The course is open to all, so please come along and enjoy fellowship, refreshments and great discussion about the works of God.

The course is one of the series of York Courses, produced by the Church of England, and its outline is…
Christians are called to attend to God and neighbour, to explore our faith and to engage with the world in service and evangelism.
This 5-part course explores these essential elements of our discipleship.
5 sessions:
1. Attending to God
2. Attending to One Another
3. Exploring Our Faith
4. Engaging with the World in Service
5. Engaging with the World in Evangelism

Please contact Erica at the Church Office (01763 837272) if you wish to attend, so that course materials can be ordered.

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