Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Easter Quiz and answers

Easter Quiz

1. On what day is Easter celebrated?
a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday d) Monday

2. Where does the name Easter come from?
a) An Anglo saxon goddess called Eastre
b)A saint from the 6th century
c) An old word for east star

3. On Palm Sunday, Christians celebrate that…
a) Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and was greeted by cheering crowds
b) Jesus sheltered under a palm tree during a thunderstorm
c) Jesus fed 5000 people

4. How long is Lent in western churches?
a) 21 days b) 30 days c) 4 days d) 49 days

5. Why do we have eggs at Easter
a) Jesus liked eggs,
b) they taste nice
c) they are a symbol of rebirth
d) they are a symbol of sadness as they look like a tear drop

6. The night before his death, Jesus finished the Passover meal with disciples by sharing:
a) bread and water
b) bread and wine
c) toast and jam

7. What traditionally happened on Ash Wednesday?
a) People put ash on their foreheads
b) Fireplaces were cleaned out in time for Easter
c) People wash themselves with ashes from a fire
d) Fires are lit all over the world to celebrate Jesus’ time in the wilderness

8. What does Shrove Tuesday have to do with Easter?
a) Shrove Tuesday is the:  first day of  Lent
b) the last day to indulge before lent
c) the first day of Advent
d) the end of Lent

9. Lent is the time of:
a) feasting b) celebration c) abstinence d) partying

10. Which of the following has nothing to do with Shrove Tuesday:
a) Lean Tuesday b) Fat Tuesday c) Mardi Gras d) Pancake day

11. The ashes of Ash Wednesday are made:
a) by monks in a monastery in London
b) in Jerusalem and flown over to England
c) burning paper crosses
d) burning palm crosses saved from Palm Sunday last year

12.  During Lent Christians remember the time Jesus spent:
a) in the garden of Gethsemane
b) in the wilderness
c) teaching his disciples
d) up Mount Olive


1. On what day is Easter celebrated?
a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday d) Monday

2. Where does the name Easter come from?
a) An Anglo saxon goddess called Eastre
b)A saint from the 6th century
c) An old word for east star

3. On Palm Sunday, Christians celebrate that…
a) Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and was greeted by cheering crowds
b) Jesus sheltered under a palm tree during a thunderstorm
c)Jesus fed 5000 people

4. How long is Lent in western churches?
a) 21 days b) 30 days c) 40 days d) 49 days

5. Why do we have eggs at Easter
a) Jesus liked eggs,
b) they taste nice
c) they are a symbol of rebirth
d) they are a symbol of sadness as they look like a tear drop

6. The night before his death, Jesus finished the Passover meal with disciples
by sharing:
a) bread and water
b) bread and wine
c) toast and jam

7. What traditionally happened on Ash Wednesday?
a) People put ash on their foreheads
b) Fireplaces were cleaned out in time for Easter
c) People wash themselves with ashes from a fire
d) Fires are lit all over the world to celebrate Jesus’ time in the wilderness

8. What does Shrove Tuesday have to do with Easter?
a)  Shrove Tuesday is the:  first day of  Lent
b) the last day to indulge before lent
c) the first day of Advent
d) the end of Lent

9. Lent is the time of:
a) feasting b) celebration c) abstinence d) partying

10. Which of the following has nothing to do with Shrove Tuesday:
a) Lean Tuesday b) Fat Tuesday c) Mardi Gras d) Pancake day

11. The ashes of Ash Wednesday are made:
a) by monks in a monastery in London
b) in Jerusalem and flown over to England
c) burning paper crosses
d) burning palm crosses saved from Palm Sunday last year

12.  During Lent Christians remember the time Jesus spent:
a) in the garden of Gethsemane
b) in the wilderness
c) teaching his disciples
d) up Mount Olive

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